
03 April 2013

Budgeting #2 Home Managment Binder

How we organize our bills to pay

I would be completely lost without our "plan". We use a spreadsheet on our computer, I know some people prefer a hard copy but for us, the computer version is easier because I pay most of our bills online. But I do like some hard copy stuff too! You never know when you will need it.
In the finances section of my HMB we have a few sections:

~ A list of ALL of our accounts, with the account number and customer service phone number. Even if we do not use them right now, or haven't in a while. I keep the info for about a year or so just in case there is an issue down the road.
One day I might figure out an easier way to share these printables!
~ The due date for each account we have, everything from credit card to water bill. I'd hate to get a late fee for being 1 day late!
~ Calendar with paydays listed. Hubby gets paid every other week so we split things up in a spreadsheet by paycheck.

~ Folder pocket for incoming bills to be paid.


~Our Snowball plan with all our debts listed in order to be paid off, so I don't have to re figure it every month, it shouldn't change without there being something major.

~Paycheck Plan (IF I get around to printing it out, usually don't) This is what we use to decide what bills get paid with each of hubby's checks. Makes my Friday bill paying so  much easier to already know what to expect, I just match it with what came in the mail, or e-statements.

~List of upcoming irregular expenses. Things like drivers license renewal, car tags, swimming lessons, sports fee's all those things that can add up!


~I just use some dollar store school envelopes and a page protector that is made for 4x6 photos, it holds them well, I can see them and get to them fine. But I would like to get something like these, or maybe make them in my free time (haha)

But it would also need a 3 hole punch, or some easy way to keep them in my Home Management Binder.
~This one might be getting cut soon as I have less and less time. But if you have time and ambition to keep it up it's super helpful.
I have a list of our frequent purchased items per month. So I know about what our grocery bill should be each month if we I stick to it at the store. It makes it a little easier to plan grocery shopping if I know something is expensive I can split them up between to the 2 grocery trips each month and not have 1 be way more than the other. I like consistency. Knowing the approximate price for our usual things helps me to know when is the right time to stock up. If it's a great deal I would buy more and save a little the next month.I have a spreadsheet with all the groceries. I used to just use our receipt and update the prices for the store I went to. I pretty much only go to 1 or 2 stores now that so many are price matching. That has really helped too.
~I also have an envelope for grocery coupons (SO few and far between for stuff we buy)


  1. I seriously need a system like this. How exactly does your Cash Envelopes work?

  2. We are following Dave Ramsey Plan for getting out of debt and using cash instead of our cards, so the envelopes are filled (well hardly lol) and we use the cash so you get a better perspective of what you are REALLY spending. You can read all about his plan. Search Financial Peace or Dave Ramsey :)
