31 December 2016

2017 Goals/Resolutions

Like the rest of 2016, I am behind! I love the idea of fresh starts and new possibilities! I like to choose a WORD OF THE YEAR and make goals for different areas of our lives. I haven't done anything!

Today is the 31st so I figured I better get with it!

I decided on the word WILD   I love the description

uncultivated or growing freely without human intervention.

It just really speaks to me, not letting others comments/opinions intervene with my life.

Self Goals: Take chances, have more faith in myself, remember that not everyone who shares their opinions has my best interest in mind.

Health Goals: Make time for some kind of exercise because I love it.  Continue to find ways to get good nourishment into our picky kids. Manage the health issues I've been dealing with more efficiently

Financial: Make Dave Ramsey proud 😆

Relationships: More dates and less helicoptering

House: So many!! Slow and steady, budget fitting projects! Keep purging unnecessary things, keep working on the best ways to make life run smooth! 

We usually take our big goals and make monthly goals in little bite size chunks! January goals coming soon 👍🏻

07 December 2016

December Goals!

Goodness has it been a while since I have written down some of our goals, or shared them. November was all about getting doors and door molding up (just 1 more door molding to go!) It felt good to have something constant to work on! There are things I can't do solo or don't know how to do so I had 2 Goals in November, 1 was renovation based the other was more just stuff for me to deal with.  Last month it was purging, my favorite group on Facebook (join us!!)  did a challenge for the month and it was so inspiring! I could actually go for it another month!

December is all about the kitchen when it comes to renovating 😳 I am scared and nervous and indecisive! We've got to pick a cabinet color once we get the cabinets sanded! Can't do anything until we get the sink in, I'm scared of that! And we also need to decide on what our breakfast bar part is going to look like, it used to have a pantry on top (weird) and now it's just plywood hanging out and I don't know what to do! Need to find a faucet! Leaning towards this one!   All of this while we prep for Christmas and enjoy the season!

Here is where we stand right now.. sawdust all over from the little sanding I have been able to do.

The non renovation goals I have for our house is meal planning for January! I don't think I will get much detailed planning going for December and I want to make sure we get January off on a good note!

This book is on my wish list for meal prep! And this might have to be added to my daily use!

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

23 November 2016

1 Year To an Entirely Organized Home

 First I want to say that I know January, when the kids are home, after a few weeks off, may not be the ideal time to start. So, why am I starting now then?! For many of us the holidays are stressful. I NEED an outlet. Cleaning/Organizing is my favorite healthy outlet! If January is not the right time for you, it's ok! There aren't specific dates for this, just a weekly plan. 

We've been doing some purging together in our Facebook Group, it's helped me get rid of 275 ish things, and there are still plenty of days to go! I feel like I need to roll with that, before any clutter makes it's way back in!

I still try to do some organizing every week, usually on Friday. This fits right in with our current routine.

I've done this in the past (a couple houses ago) this is what that looked like

Sadly, many of those don't apply to our current home. Many still do though, and I have plenty of new things to add to this list.  Taking the time now to make my list so I have a plan and can jump right in that first week! How perfect that the 1st is a Sunday? Just lines right up with this plan!

I hope you will join and take the ones that don't apply to you (like Chicken stuff) out, and add what you need, in! Post it to instagram and help others get inspired to spend more time with their family and less time dealing with clutter! Tag me! @OregonHousewife :) I am sure I have some giveaways happening for participants!

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

13 November 2016

Bonfire Bars

These are super easy, only a few ingredients and they don't take long at all!

3Tbs Butter/Coconut Oil (or combo)
6C Golden Grahams Cereal
3C Marshmallows
2 Tbs Mini Chocolate Chips
3 MORE C. Marshmallows 

First spray your 9x9 (or 8x8) pan with nonstick spray. I just used some coconut oil
 In a saucepan melt the coconut oil or butter, then on medium heat, add 3C marshmallows and stir until it's all melty and combined.

*Turn oven on to broil*

Turn stove heat off, add 6C Golden Grahams Cereal. Stir it all together to coat.
Pour into pan and press down with spatula.
Sprinkle Chocolate Chips evenly

Add 3C marshmallows on top to cover evenly.

Put the pan under the broiler until marshmallows get all melty and crispy and brown and perfect!

Let cool, then
Good Luck Cutting them even ;)
Prepare to be sticky

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

03 October 2016

Speedy Fall Cleaning in the Kitchen

 Our kitchen could use some deep cleaning! It gets abused every week and sometimes I just don't get to every little thing I want to!
~Dust the top of the cabinets/fridge
~Wipe down the inside of the cabinets
~Small appliances need some extra love too!
~Deep Clean the Fridge
~Clean the oven, self clean or spot clean
~make a batch of disposal cleaning cubes
~Pantry, wipe shelves down and toss expired stuff
~Check napkins and tablecloths. It's almost the holiday season, do you have what you need?

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

28 September 2016

Speedy Fall Cleaning Family Room

I didn't Fall Clean last year, we had just moved in and nothing really needed deep cleaning. It needed organizing and everything else that comes with moving in.

But this year, oh goodness does it ever need it! 
 I am starting fresh in this smaller house, should take less time! 
I put an experimental recipe, or lack of, in the Instant Pot and some good music and it should only take an afternoon!

 I have always started in the kitchen, switching it up this year and working on the Family Room. 
Anything that gets done with my weekly cleaning won't be on this deep cleaning list.
~Wipe down walls
~Window Tracks, before it turns to mud!
~Vacuum, Wipe and Touch Up Baseboards
~Wipe Down Doors and Touch Up Paint
~Heather Vents.. clean them out and wipe down
~Swap Pictures in frames if I have them
~Wash Curtains
~Fireplace.. put the grate in and take the candles out
~Vacuum behind all of the electronics
~Spot Clean Upholstery and Vacuum out couch
~Quick Clutter Sweep
 Then the rewards for getting that all done!
Put throw blankets and extra pillows out
New Candles or Scentsy

Then it's all ready for Halloween Decorations! 

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

06 September 2016

Weekly Cleaning Routine

 Do you tell yourself, something has to give, cleaning is not all there is in life? Feel like you clean all day for nothing? To turn around and it's all a mess again? Do you use the words overwhelmed, stressed, out of control, unorganized to describe your cleaning style?
Did hearing "cleaning routine" instantly make you think I was coocoo?
Yeah, I hear that all the time. But let me tell you, I never really stress about cleaning! Having a routine has pretty much eliminated any stress or anxiety about cleaning or housekeeping in general. There are some good reasons for creating a routine that works for you!

Less Stress
Less Work *
Less Guilt

*Give it 2-3 weeks dedication. You will see that you spend less time each week, giving you more free time and less stress!

Friday~Everything Else
Anything I missed during the week
Get Groceries
Gas in car
Clean Out Purse
Tidy Front Porch and Garage
Tidy Laundry Room

None of these days take too long. Thursday is maybe the most work,
 but the kids can do lots of theirs! 
Keep up the routine and each week gets easier and you get more free time to enjoy your clean home :)

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

02 September 2016

15 Minute Tidy

A big part of keeping my sanity is based on 15 minutes, just 15 teeny minutes to work on tidying and making a huge difference in how our day flows.

It's easy to look around and see all the things that need to be done and get overwhelmed. I can just set my timer for 15, or 10 minutes if that's all I have and just DO IT!  It's amazing what you can get done when you have an end in sight and a ticking deadline.

Let's talk kids. I don't like to call them distractions. Everything else is the distraction when it comes to raising babies.  I like to either set our little ones up with some coloring or a snack (which is totally counterproductive). But the truth is, no matter how determined you are to work for just 10-15 minutes, chances are your little loves will need you in that time frame too, and that's ok, this is just about making whatever difference you can in 15 minutes.

Organization, now is not the time to organize anything or pull everything out of a drawer. Nope, this 15 minutes is just for tidying. If that is just picking up a path to the kitchen from the living room, ok. Or if it's the toilet and shower you have put off for weeks. That's a good one too.  Going through kids clothes, not so much. You want to feel like you can SEE some accomplishment when your 15 minutes is up.

Deep Cleaning. Can you think of any deep cleaning you can get done in 15 minutes? No? Me either. I do my best to keep this 15 minutes to whole house tidying. There is a time for deep cleaning, it's not when you are in the middle of overwhelmedville.

Social Media. Now that is a distraction! It absolutely is for me anyway. I try not to look at my phone at all while I am working on getting my 15 minutes done. 15 minutes browsing social media feels like 10 seconds. I will use it as a reward though. If I get all the laundry put away, I am going to browse for a few.

What does my 15 minutes look like? 
Well usually it's the time right before we are walking out the door, going to bed or starting some longer activity or project. Our kids love to bake, we try to do a quick tidy beforehand. And when they ask to play skip-bo, the longest game ever with a 6 year old, we do a quick tidy before we get started. No crumbs on the table bugging us.

We almost always start in the kitchen, move dishes to dishwasher or sink.
Wipe off the kitchen table and counters, quick sweep.
Put all the kids toys away, fluff couch throw pillows and blankets.
Make sure the tables are cleared off.
Tell the kids like 4-7 times to put their dirty clothes away, then just do it myself half the time.
Clean off bathroom counter, just put stuff away.
Hang bath mat up and close shower curtain
push toys from hallway into kids rooms and shut doors.

That's about it. I like it because when we come home, or hubby does, we aren't walking into a disaster. It's obviously lived in but not a mess and didn't take much time.  I try to do the same as soon as the kids leave during the school year, it's a nice starting point for my daily chores. I'm going to share them soon, updated now that we have a better idea of what needs to be done here.

Some days this quick tidy happens 2-3 times, just depends on life. Some days it doesn't happen at all. Ya know, life. Ideally though I do it first thing in the morning before the kids are up, if I didn't get to it the night before. Once before the kids get home from school and once before hubby gets home.

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

31 August 2016

Fake a Clean House in 6 Steps

 Keeping it real, some weeks or months are just rough! Things aren't how we want them to be, we are tight on time, or patience or both in my case! When we are in one of those seasons of life this is how we do life. Or if you forgot you were having company and it's 30 minutes until they arrive. It's not ideal, it's not organized or perfect, but when you just need to make it through today, this works! 

1. Make the Beds
 I know I am not the first to say it, a made bed just has some special powers!
And really, when you look at a room with a made bed it looks cleaner, even if it's not really.

2. Clean the Toilet
Not even all of them, just the main one. 

3.Candles, Windows and Flowers
Yummy smells and breezy air and some fresh flowers from the yard make things look, smell and feel put together, even if they aren't!

4. Clear the Clutter
Just grab a laundry basket or box, run around real quick and grab anything that isn't where it belongs. They aren't going to get hurt in the box, and you aren't spending time putting them away right now. These are my favorite, so simple and don't take up room when not in use!

And if you are like us, kids toys everywhere, a basket and blanket combo will hide SO MUCH! It's nice to have a spot that still looks pretty but has function too! Easy squeezy! 

5. Dishes
Just load them in the dishwasher, out of site for now.
Quick wipe down of counter and sink while you are in there.

6. Entry
If you have time, sweep the porch off real quick.
For me, cobwebs/spiderwebs have to go. They creep me out.

And if you STILL have time, wipe down light switches and doors that people might see.

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

30 August 2016

How We Keep a Clean (Enough) Home

 This will be a multi-part post so it doesn't get too long and boring, it's already a boring subject!
My GOAL is to have it Clean, Welcoming, and Comfy. Of course there is a BUT to that. 
BUT, it can't take too much time. Family time is our most important thing! We don't want to spend it cleaning. We have 4 busy kids and plates that are a bit on the full side. 

Think I am crazy? Think this balance doesn't exist?  
I'm going to share how we do it.

1. Fake It When Needed
2. 15 Minute Tiding
3. Weekly Cleaning
4. Seasonal Cleaning

I'm not telling anyone their business or how their home should look, or anything like that. I'm not judging anyone who doesn't care so much about housekeeping. It's not something everyone spends time thinking about. I get that, I promise! So if that's not you, totally ok! 
If you already feel led to keep a tidy, clean, or clean enough home, then great! Let's chat about that!
 I wouldn't claim that our home is spotless, not ever. It varies on a week to week basis on if I would even call it clean.

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

26 August 2016

Thermos lunches

Our kids are picky (and school lunches are spendy) so we do a lot of thermos lunches. We save sandwich lunches for extremely busy days and field trips. 


Here are some common thermos lunches  around here:

-Quesadilla triangles
-Pasta with some veggies and cheese 
-Teriyaki chicken and rice
-Deconstructed burrito (filling but no shell)
Taco meat
-Send stuff for nachos or a taco
I make an extra batch of sauce, freeze it in ice cube trays and just make the pasta in the morning, thaw a cube in the fridge or microwave and done!
-Soup and stew 
Easy to make extra! 

What do you put in yours? 

15 August 2016

Back to School Snack Mix

This is a fun, easy, not terrible snack for after school. The first day of school makes me think of apples and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches 🍎🍞

I don't usually measure but made some guesses this time! Add more of your favorites, you really can't go wrong!

3C Chex (or crispix or life, whatever is on sale!)
1C Freeze dried apples broken into little bites
1C Peanuts
3/4C PB chips 
3/4C Pretzels 

You can add dried strawberries too if you want to make it even more sweet. We didn't have any or I would have halved the PB chips and added some dried strawberries. Yogurt peanuts are a good alternative too. Might make it look a little less monotone hehe

11 August 2016

Updated Homework Setup

I have no idea if any of our older 3 will have homework. I am assuming the 6th grader will and probably the 1st grader, going to set up for that and change it if we need to. Oh how I miss the last time I shared our work set up. 2 tiny elementary students and a pre-preschooler :(

We already have a drawer for colored pencils, crayons, art supplies and that kind of stuff. It's just not very conducive to homework, too many fun distractions. I don't want to do anything TOO over the top or crazy. I'm just tidying the drawer that already has all their other stuff. Journals, devotionals and such, stuff we ideally use everyday. Added a little basket with plain pencils (no one comes looking for those) and a few crayons. I might add their workbooks, once we know who has homework and how much. 

This is also where we will keep their reading logs and folders, if it's like years past where they bring them home Monday and return Friday. 

I don't know if there is anything worse than a frantic type A kiddo who doesn't know where their homework folder is and it's time to go. I'd love to eliminate that whole dilemma with this! 

 It's not a huge drawer, but I am also hoping to have room for 1st grade library books. He is NOT of the type A variety and really has no desire to keep track of anything.

09 August 2016

*Updated* Breakfast Plan

Breakfast time can be a disaster, mornings are rough, having a plan makes it a little easier, not easy, but a teeny bit easier.

I don't love the idea of something super rigid, but mornings here need just a little bit of structure.
 I plan to make the same things each week.  Our kids are getting old enough that a lot of mornings they can do it themselves, I am usually up before them though and like to do it! I'm not talking some crazy elaborate breakfast every morning. I am just picking the 5 or 6 things I know the kids like, are not going to kill our budget, will keep them full enough to make it to snack time and not full of sugar or junk. 

Kodiak Cakes and Fruit
We LOVE Kodiak Cakes!

Yogurt and stuff
We add stuff like nuts, granola, seeds, fruit

Oatmeal and fluff, fruit and all that. Steel Cut Oats in the Instant Pot are AMAZING. Definitely my favorite!

Waffles and fruit
Usually with PB for some protein

Bacon or Sausage and Eggs with toast.
Especially now that our chickens are finally laying!

**I also have stuff for protein smoothies pretty much all of the time, for busy days or if we are low on something**

We keep our breakfast fluff, like granola, cinnamon sugar, oatmeal they can do themselves etc. all together and easy to get out and put away.  

08 August 2016

Keeping Home Pretty & Organized

Alright, I got everything, and I mean every.single.thing gone through and I purged a bunch! Look at these empty containers from just 1 day!

I haven't put it all back where it needs to be but now there is SO much less to deal with, should be much easier!

 Step 1 is done ✔️
Step 2 is making a place for it that is smart and pretty! 
Clutter isn't pretty, crock pots aren't either.

Making things pretty for me is the use of a wide variety of things, I use bins, baskets, boxes, whatever we already have on hand. But first, I have figured out where the *good* spots are and use them! These are spots that are easy to access, no furniture moving to get to them. They are in rooms you are in often, and that can HIDE stuff. So drawers, cupboards, cabinets etc. That is where the ugly stuff goes. BUT, it has to be ugly stuff that gets used often. Remember that quesadilla maker? Did you keep it? Do you use it more than once a month?  For us, the instant pot, amazing and ugly and used 4+ times a week gets residency in a GOOD spot. 

There isn't some magic list of what you should store in your good storage spots. I don't know what you think is ugly, how much you have storage for etc. Organizing is pretty individualized, it's not going to be some cookie cutter list for everyone.  

These are our GOOD hiding spots, besides closets. But those get some special treatment too.

~Old trunk
 I am hesitant to put anything in here that isn't plastic, because it's old and weird and smells a little. I've got this empty bin, from all that purging, and it fits perfect.

~Hall Built In
This is where our printer, filing, sewing machine and my home office are. The lower drawers store fabric, puzzles, gift wrap supplies and a couple are empty! WOOHOO

Hopefully painting these will be in the cards soon! 

~Kitchen Cupboards
This one is a common one, we all use them. Ours have the blenders, pots and pans. Although we do have a few empty drawers!

Food, it's not all pretty! Some of it can be, but most is not. I'm hoping to make it prettier in here soon!

We also hide our toaster and ugly microwave in there!

Besides clothes, we use dressers in other rooms.  I have my "Mom Drawer" in there, kids daily stuff. Their chore cards, journals and that stuff. And then the bottom 2 drawers are craft stuff and decor.

~Entry Table
This is a SUPER spot to get some extra storage. We chose this one, with 4 drawers (1 for each kid) and a whole other side.  The kids have so much random junk in there. I don't care what is in there, as long as its not food. Wallets, gum, change, nerf darts, socks etc. They each have a drawer and I don't deal with it. I ask them to clean them out every once in a while.
The other side is empty right now, thanks to purging!

Where are your good hiding spots? What do you keep in them?

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

Snack Prep to Save Time & Money

It's been 5 long, but fast, years and SO much has changed!
For 1, none of that would last a week anymore! These growing kids and growing appetites!
Also, the actual snacks have changed a bit as well as the containers.

Now I snag these and give myself a little time, usually on Monday's when I am working in the kitchen quite a bit anyway. 

I just fill while I can, between reading to the baby and coloring or Skip Bo with the big kids. It doesn't take a terribly long time, just repetitive. I have been doing a terrible job at it all Summer. Working on making the school year as smooth running as I can though, getting back in to the habit!

And we use a whole drawer in the fridge. This fridge is new, so I am not sure if this is how this set up will stay. We aren't used to it yet. Let me get a couple times of grocery shopping in and see what happens.
Normally I wouldn't buy individual apple sauce or yogurts, both were less than big containers at our outlet. 

05 August 2016

Weekly Outfits for Kids

Now that I have all their stuff organized, gonna straight ruin that and make a week + worth of outfits.
Last year I was too tired to care much about what they wore, wasn't worth the battles. 

This year I have had a bit more sleep. I don't want it to be a battle, but I'd also like some more of her clothes to see sunlight.

These fancy schmancy dollar tree hangers are perfect! 5 slots to hang outfits. I am planning on doing 2 weeks at a time and adding this task to my Sunday night routine until I either burn out or feel like she can do a little better job not wearing her 4 favorites. I haven't found the hangers lately, but amazon has some HERE

I also just clipped the matching hair bow or headband right onto the shirt or hanger! 
This will probably save me a few minutes each morning. Once the weather is more varied I might have a little bit of hard time getting her to choose the weather appropriate one.

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

29 July 2016

Back to School Goals!

Summer is fun and all but I love the routines of school time too! Last year was so OFF for us. New school, new morning routine with bus riding, having a baby that slept like a newborn, and a new house in shambles. Most of that is settled now.  I feel like we let so much slide and now I have August to get back on track after almost 2 years of being off our game.  School starts the end of August for us, exactly 1 month from today.. Yikes!
Just a few things I want to have ready before then, some routines in place, some work done.

Put Up Decorations
And be real about what I am keeping, not sure I will need all 6 banners we have in that bin.

Sports Area in Garage

Outfits picked out for middle 2 
While I still can 😭😭

Get a Command Center set up
This is unlikely but I would love for it to be wrapped up, or even started!

Not worrying about any of it this weekend, but hoping Monday is kind!

And I know our after schools are going to be so weird now that we have 1 kiddo who won't be home until a bit later. But figuring out afternoons is on the list to figure out after a month or so. 

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

28 July 2016

Chicken, Asparagus and Lemon Pasta

First, if you are looking for a precise recipe, this isn't the place. I don't usually cook that way. I promise this is easy enough you can still manage!

I tend to get a little lazier when it's hot out, and I wasn't thinking about dinner until 4 or so. Checked the fridge and was able to throw this together (and this is why I need to meal plan!)
I sautéed 2 chicken breast, but grilled would be awesome too, in a little butter, sage and pepper. 

While that was happening I cooked some pasta, not my first choice for shape but ya pick your battles and the 6 year old won. 

Cut asparagus and threw it under the broiler with a little butter

Once the chicken was done I pulled it out and set aside, used the same chicken pan to make a little loose white sauce (butter, 1/2 & 1/2 and flour) added some lemon juice and that's it. Once the pasta and asparagus was done I mixed it all together and it was perfect! 

25 July 2016

Real Life For 6 ~ Meal Planning

This has been on my to do list for months now, since Spring. I haven't really gotten back into it since we moved from our house almost 2 years ago! We aren't getting any less busy and these kids aren't getting any less hungry.

There are some big benefits to meal planning like 
Saving Money & Eating Healthy

 Not sure what method I will use, trying 1 we haven't before. There are a few I love the concept of. 
Weekly Meal Planning and non specific days, just 2 weeks of meals and winging it on the day. 
Having a big list of common meals and seeing what you can make with what you have.  Sadly, that is what we have been doing lately. Not really a plan, more a lack of planning.

Working on a fresh (to us) approach for meal planning and doing the WHOLE MONTH. School starts for us soon and I would love to have a trial month before. We will have 3 kids on 3 different sports teams in September and I have got to make this work or we will never get to eat a real meal together, something that is SO important to us.

No promises on how this will end up. I am no pro! Some things that I will plan for

~Leftovers 1x a week
~Double up on recipes that freeze well
~Family Date Nights out 2x a month

I'm using this blank calendar page and just filled it out for the month.  I've got my list of recipes that I plan on doubling on the side. Next month I will have some freezer meals listed over there, in case we get in a bind one day/night.
I've just used a handy magnet bookmark to hold my calendar in my planner. Easy to take out and make grocery lists from.

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.