31 August 2016

Fake a Clean House in 6 Steps

 Keeping it real, some weeks or months are just rough! Things aren't how we want them to be, we are tight on time, or patience or both in my case! When we are in one of those seasons of life this is how we do life. Or if you forgot you were having company and it's 30 minutes until they arrive. It's not ideal, it's not organized or perfect, but when you just need to make it through today, this works! 

1. Make the Beds
 I know I am not the first to say it, a made bed just has some special powers!
And really, when you look at a room with a made bed it looks cleaner, even if it's not really.

2. Clean the Toilet
Not even all of them, just the main one. 

3.Candles, Windows and Flowers
Yummy smells and breezy air and some fresh flowers from the yard make things look, smell and feel put together, even if they aren't!

4. Clear the Clutter
Just grab a laundry basket or box, run around real quick and grab anything that isn't where it belongs. They aren't going to get hurt in the box, and you aren't spending time putting them away right now. These are my favorite, so simple and don't take up room when not in use!

And if you are like us, kids toys everywhere, a basket and blanket combo will hide SO MUCH! It's nice to have a spot that still looks pretty but has function too! Easy squeezy! 

5. Dishes
Just load them in the dishwasher, out of site for now.
Quick wipe down of counter and sink while you are in there.

6. Entry
If you have time, sweep the porch off real quick.
For me, cobwebs/spiderwebs have to go. They creep me out.

And if you STILL have time, wipe down light switches and doors that people might see.

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

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