12 November 2012

Monday again

We have a school break here today. I didn't realize that not all states observed Veterans Day today.
So we have a little bit more of a relaxed day, no rushing around to and from school 3 times!

This week starts the season of no full weeks of school through December!
Next week being Thanksgiving means I have this week to get through everything in the house and get the last of it organized before the crazyness of the holidays.

Chicken and Rice with Veggies
Shepherds Pie
Potato Soup
Grilled Cheese and Soup
Out for Dinner
Chicken Stir Fry
Chicken Tacos

Around the House
Finish up Craigslist Stuff
Keep wrapping gifts during nap times

Fun Stuff
We don't have anything specific planned, just
working on Holiday planning, crafts and testing lots of
hot coco!

09 November 2012

Is it too early?

To talk Christmas? If not, read on. Or come back in a couple weeks when you are ready!

I usually go crazy on wrapping paper, selecting 1 for each kid so we can skip the tags and the peeking!
But this year I am just wanting everything to be casual and easy and simple (and inexpensive)!
Did you know Dollar Tree has plain ol' brown craft paper in a huge roll?

So I grabbed a few of those and started wrapping everything we have so far. I like to buy on clearance throughout the year so I have a bit already to wrap. 
And instead of the super expensive bows and fancy trim I am doing things a little more homemade and sticking to yarn!
Just plain ol' on sale yarn from the craft store, I picked 3 colors (since we have 3 kids) and I am still skipping the overpriced tags (or I could make some!) But I think some of these big ol' yarn puffs will be perfect.

 Super little tutorial too!
And some big yarn bows too I think, maybe some chipboard letters wrapped in yarn. I think I just love yarn this year!
And to make sure I know what I have and keep it organized, I have a sheet in my HMB and it has each persons name and a spot for their gifts. They are numbered so I know who's is who's before the fluff is added and what is what.

How do you wrap? As you buy or all at once? 
Do you like wrapping? Or prefer bags?
I really don't care for bags at Christmas but I use them cause sometimes it's just easier..

Oh and do you wrap stocking stuffers?
Ok now that I typed all this I DO feel like it was too early!

08 November 2012

Fall Porch, as good as it's gonna get

In an attempt to make our porch a little more inviting, I cleaned it up and took of the summer stuff, adding some fall and called it good!

Check out the before here

I finished a while ago, just been too busy to share until  now!

That's it, all the little details, and it will probably stay this way through November! I haven't even started to think about Christmas yet and I already feel behind!

07 November 2012

Room Re-do After

 I shared Ramsey's room a while ago, when we were getting ready to paint and move some stuff around in it. 
Here. The red color was just clashing big time!
Well we have painted (but I need to touch up), and moved stuff around, gone through every bin, every book, every toy and it sure looks different!

He seems like such a big boy now that all he really cares about are his Lego's, DS, books and his desk. No more dress up stuff or other toys really hold his attention, kinda sad!
I need to fix his curtains and try to figure out a way to do a bedskirt still.

06 November 2012

My Car "Office"

I don't know about y'all but I am in the car FAR too much to not be able to get some stuff done while I am in there, waiting at riding lessons, Kindergarten, big kids pick up and soccer practice.
My stuff was taking over the front seat and middle console too much.
And I can't keep it all in my purse so I had to find something else!
I picked this basket up at Dollar Tree a while ago but they usually have them.

The things I use the most in the car are
~My calendar/Planner EVERYDAY
~Notepad.. for those never ending lists.
~E Book/Phone
And for the kids
~a couple of snacks that won't melt

I've been using this for a week or so and it has helped!
I bring it inside with me and fill it up with returns, library books, outgoing mail, occasionally the phone charger. I feel like I can actually multi task a little and have a few extra minutes to relax!

How do y'all organize your car/mail/in betweens?

05 November 2012

Wheeew Monday

The last 3 weeks have felt like a year of crazyness!
I don't know about y'all but to me it feels like the Holiday season started with Halloween this year and I am not ready for any of it!

Hope everyone had a good Halloween, ours was not our usual. Hubby ended up having to go out of town for work so everything was a little off.
Our kids still got dressed up to go to Grandma and Poppops though

Now that Halloween is over and all packed away I am working on getting everything back in order.
It's been easier because Hubby has been gone every other week (and will be again) so I am getting more done in the evening.
I've also been working on my attachment to things, especially clothes. Not just mine but mostly the kids. It was out of control! They have always had too many and I had a hard time parting with stuff.  I've gone through all of their clothes, organized them a little more and downsized by about 30%.
Our kids are on the petite side so clothes fit them a lot longer than you would expect, and I was holding on to everything! Since letting some stuff go, there are no clothes under our daughters bed, it was FULL of clothes, 5 under bed bins full.
She is already excited to have more room under there for her Lego's, they were in a crammed bin and she wasn't playing with them as much because it was harder to find certain pieces.

We have been staying home MUCH more lately and it feels so good to just be home!
I've been able to plan our meals out a little further than a week, but they are still always changing because  hubby keeps getting called to work away from home and I am not about to make his favorite when he is gone when the kids don't care either way. This is the plan for this week

Monday~Chicken Stir Fry (I will bake all the chicken we need for the week today)
Tuesday~Chicken, rice (or pasta) and veggies with enchilada sauce
Thursday~Breakfast for dinner
Friday~Turkey Burgers
Saturday~Chicken Tortilla Soup
Sunday~Pork Tenderloin

Around the House

~List a bunch of stuff on Craigslist
~Get the Fall Decorations out before its too late!
~Usual Weekly Chores
~Work in the boys rooms with extra time

~Still reading Crazy Love
and added Night Circus for something I don't really have to think about to read

Fun Stuff
We are staying home as much as we can, trying to save as much as we can!
But we do have some craft projects that will be Christmas gifts to work on, I know the kids will love that!
And I think we will start working on some Christmas cookie dough this week!