21 August 2012

Good Morning Basket

Mornings here are about to get crazy again and I am not really a fan of hectic mornings.So I am doing what I can ahead of time to make it easier for everyone in the morning. 
Last year about this time I shared our little breakfast prep
While that works well for us still it's just not enough for the morning. And especially now that Finnley likes to do everything himself! I swear I am cleaning off the pantry floor and doorknob 20 times a day. So I would rather keep him out a few times if I can. I also needed to have more prep done in the morning and make our mornings what we want them to be! A time to talk for a few minutes, plan our day, snuggle and make sure everyone has a good start.
So I did this instead

In it we have this devotional that our biggin reads to his siblings in the morning, yes it says for preschoolers but I think it's alright for all 3 of them.

The kids have their little chore packs in there

The cards are in order of what they should be doing.

And the jars are granola, and brown sugar 2 of the things we use most at breakfast, since we will be going back to my "Breakfast Schedule". I haven't been real with it over the summer, the kids have had yogurt and smoothies with all this fresh fruit available a lot more often.
And my devotional for right now.

So far I love it.
What do you do to make morning smooth running?


  1. Your so organized! I can only dream of being that organized LOL

  2. I make eggos to make my mornings easier. What you are doing is much more organized, healthy and adorable! - E. Russell

  3. Erin! You crack me up!
    Jessica, I have seen your works, I am sure you could this or better even :D

  4. Wonderful idea! Who doesn't need help getting out the door? I would love it if you link it up with me at Wow Us Wednesday next week :)

  5. What great ideas. I will keep this in mind for when we start having to go through a morning routine. Crazy mornings are so hard.

  6. I leave cereal bowls out the night before with the vitamins, cups, and napkins. It doesn't seem like much, but I feel so much more prepared in the morning when I do this. I love the devotional and everything you added. Great job!! Visiting from Tatertots & Jello. Have a blessed weekend!

  7. great job. Organization is such a key to feeling calm.
