18 April 2016

Today is my hubby's birthday! He is not the celebration type, and he woke up not feeling great today so we aren't doing anything big (just the usual baseball and softball)

But I do want to make sure we show him how much we love him!
This week I plan on a few little things to add to my schedule to bless my Mr.
Things like:
~Going to take his truck for a quick wash if the rain holds off. If not, I will just clean the inside of it for him.

~Hiding the To Do list for the week, he doesn't get much free time and this week I hope he can just keep it free!

~If he is feeling better and has his sense of taste back I am making his favorite treat! If you haven't made them yet, try them today! RECIPE

~And hoping his schedule this week isn't too busy for lunch one day!

I wanted to add some more to this list!

Have any suggestions?!

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