18 April 2016

Sports Night Meal Plan Round 2

Well last week was our first week of games, I was not very well prepared! This week though I have some meal ideas ready and am really hoping for no surprises this week! All of this weeks meals will be dished up into disposable cups, not my favorite but for 6-8 weeks it's just what works! Sometimes it's only 1 that has to eat on the way, for those nights that most of us can eat outside of the car, I am loving this picnic basket. Collapsible so it doesn't take a ton of room and insulated!

Shepard's pie
I'm making 2, 1 for the freezer!  I just layer, ground turkey that is mixed with corn and a little gravy then mashed potatoes and cheese on top. Took us a while to find a combo the kids would eat.

Leftover ground turkey, rice and seasoning with cheese.

Ground turkey in hubby's but the kids are not a fan.

Steak salad roll ups
I just use some thin cut steaks and roll them up with the salad fixens in romaine!

Teriyaki chicken bowls  cups
Our kids just like rice, chicken, edamame and pineapple with teriyaki sauce.

Going to prep all the meat today to save time later in the week because I know I have a few busy mornings this week. I need to try some new recipes too, just a little worried our picky eaters will be starving at their games if it's a no go.

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