We are quickly approaching what should have been our closing date, things fell through this go around and now we are going to be here until after the baby is born for sure. That changes a few things. Some things I have learned from this short experience won't be forgotten and will absolutely change how we do things here!
I don't think this is really news to anyone who has had to pack stuff. It's amazing the amount of stuff we can collect. Things like sandals, cake pans and clothes!
I think I packed a little more than half of our stuff. It's been in our garage for weeks now. There are very very few things I wish I had out of those boxes. I think that is a good sign that I can let a lot of it go! I am tempted to just take all of the clothes out there to donate. I might need to wait until I am not pregnant and we get over this heat. But having so much of it packed has really made me realize even more than I did before that having so many options is not beneficial. It's just cluttering and wasting time!
2. Nothing is official until things are official
Things were going SO smoothly, maybe too smoothly.
Thankfully, we hadn't found a rental or a house in the area we want to be, so the only thing it has really affected was packing.
3. Some things really just can't be packed away until the day you move!
I tried to limit our school supplies, homework stations etc. and now that things are changing and we will be here until after school starts, we neeeeed that space! I am scrambling to get the important stuff back together. I never want homework to be a problem. I want our kids to love school and learning and work and not dread it! Having the things they will likely need at hand, ready to use without a hassle just helps immensely.
4. As much as I thought we were as organized as we could get.
We weren't! Not even close. I think the main part of that is that we have too much stuff.
I know for sure we aren't as organized as I imagined because I still can't find a pair of jeans I know I bought for Finn. It's around here somewhere, probably in a box of clothes he could be using right now! I have just a few weeks until my c-section and I am making it my mission to do as much as I can and getting as much excess out!
I am working on #4 by taking a Facebook break (I KNOW it's a time suck for me), and I will have some alone time, say WHAT? That rarely happens! But for a few hours a few days a week, for 2 weeks I will have some time alone, where I can sort and organize and hopefully bust through the rest of the stuff inside. Anything in the garage we don't go looking for might just have to go!