08 July 2009

Summer is going by too fast!

Feeling like summer is FLYING by and haven't done anything with the kids, around the house or tried any new recipe's, yikes! I am hoping to try some new "projects" with the kids, aiming for 1 a week and some house projects that I can do alone.. being pregnant kind of limits me! And I am hoping to try 1 new recipe a week too!This week has been crazy.. My husband was on vacation so we had a long weekend away and it feels like I missed Monday completely! So I have this week to plan and hopefully get some supplies!

Found a recipe online for some homemade "Moon Sand" I want to try, and since strawberries are still fresh I want to attempt a strawberry pie.. I am a pro at messing pie's up! I have been working on one small hard to reach wall area at our house since we moved in, it's had candle holder and pictures there.. I just need to do something different. I am hoping to find some goodies at Dollar Tree I can turn into a collage that will fill the space nicely. I will share the recipe's with pictures.. and let y'all know if they are any good!

Off to look for some frames at Dollar Tree that I can make work. Check back soon for a update!

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