17 June 2009

We never found the old camera.. sad.. But I am loving the new one so far!
I took a few pictures of the 4th of July stuff I have out.. nothing major.. and you can tell that some little hands were helping me.. the O is just a little crooked!

Even with the new camera, Ramsey is hard to catch.. such a busy boy!

We went to the park today to try and take some pictures for Father's day pictures for Ryan and His Dad.. the kids call Grandpa "Pop Pop" It didn't go as well as I hoped but got enough done to make it work! Here are a couple of the pictures!

I am 25 weeks pregnant this week and really feeling this little guy move.. Other than that I don't feel much different.. not complaining at all! I have been trying not to go "baby stuff" crazy.. doing a really good job of buying mostly necessities so far! But this little monkey outfit was too cute!
I got it in a Preemie size, he will only be a month on Halloween and I am hoping it will fit just right! It's from Crazy8.com and is on clearance for a really great price right now!

Haven't been doing much else this week.. relaxing as much as I can! Enjoying that the weather has not been too hot!


  1. That monkey costume is soooooo cute! I don't blame you at all for that purchase! The decorations are looking great too!

  2. I love your 4th of July decorations! The monkey costume is cute too! Stopping by from HHWC :)

  3. Zavion had a costume that looked exactly like that, only w/o the feet! We also dressed him up his first Halloween, but he was only 10 days old! Superman, of course. :0)

  4. Tag your it! Check out my blog, the misfit one!
