01 June 2009

Getting ready for some Fourth of July Decorations.. and crafts!

I have been looking for plain individual chipboard letters.. NO idea how hard they were to find.. Finally found some at one of the scrap booking stores in town. These are the BoBunny Brand ones.. ONLY 50 cents each! I thought that was a good deal.. I have been wanting to make the cute banners since I wont pay 25 dollars for one.. so glad I waited until I found these!
This is what they look like before..

I love Martha Stewart Glitter.. it really is the best in my opinion, and now that Walmart carries smaller containers with 3 colors it is a little more affordable.. So I just used the glitter glue and covered each letter with glitter.. I think I am going to spray with a sealer to keep the glitter on a little better, but I am worried it will take some of the sparkle off.
This is what they look like after glitter. Please excuse my horrible photography!

Now I just need to hole punch and string ribbon to make a banner for the fireplace ( I think I am going to use a star shaped punch and coordinating ribbon ) I am getting ready to change this farm stuff out and get my Fourth of July stuff out... which I have even less of! I try to get or make 1 or 2 things a year for each season, since Ive only been doing this for almost 2 years some seasons only have a few things.

I am REALLY already looking forward to Halloween.. Hoping it will get here a little faster.. I figure by then the baby will be here and we will have a nice schedule going... HOPING!

I have been getting tons of clearance emails from
ANd they have some really great deals.. it's hard for me to think about Christmas already though.. it seems TOO far away.. BUT I did find this a couple years ago and have been putting off buying it..serious regret when the "G" was sold out... Just checked today and its BACK! Well in October it will be.. I will be saving for that for sure this time!