27 May 2009

Finally a new post!

Ready to get back into this blogging thing.. Pregnancy is going good.. LONG but good! Ready to not feel SO tired anymore! Preschool is over for the year.. a little bittersweet, Ramsey is already missing school.. I am NOT missing the hours in the car though!
Been spending a TON of time at the park. Picnics, trail walks and playgrounds.. Wishing Ramsey would hold still long enough for me to take his picture.. Carsyn at least likes the swings enough I could snap 1 or 2!

I was really ready for the Easter-y Spring stuff to go.. Bring on the summer.. I love Fourth of July but I don't want to have it up ALL summer... Been slowly collecting some farmish stuff for in between Easter and Fourth of July.

Feed Sacks are a new fave of mine! I looked on eBay and antique shops and they are way too spendy for my budget! I was hoping to find one that would make a cute pillow.. I am pretty sure the one I got is reproduction but I still love it! I also realized I had a C & H sugar one in the garage.. oops.. Its small but still very cute.

I got this vintage ( I think ) cheese grater from a friend and I LOVE it.. I use it as a candle holder.. It looks so much better when its dark out.. You can see the star shape so much better.

A little egg.. with legs!

I got these little juice cups at K-mart! They are Martha Stewart I think.. They came in a set of 4.. using them for votive holders.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute things you have there. I love those types of themes for the house.
