01 September 2021

Back to School Breakfast Routine

Breakfast Schedule…This feels a little rigid and probably one of the things I got the most flack for in the past.  I love it though, and someone else might need more structure too. 

Routine, schedule, rotation, plan. Whatever you call it, it’s a yes for me. There’s a number of ways to set this up. If you have 10 family pleasing breakfasts then use all 10, if you just need to not think on Monday morning, just do that, Monday morning _______.  Whatever makes it work for you. 

This is how we’ve done it in the past and how I really want to get back to after a few years of chaotic breakfast times. 

We have 4-5 breakfasts that I feel good about and that are easy and budget friendly. We do those for the weekdays. Weekends we do more elaborate things, just kidding, we have sports every weekend and it’s always a disaster. That’s the goal though, and some weekend days it actually works out. 

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