31 January 2017

February Goals 2017

I am already doing better planning my February goals than I did for January.
February is ridiculously busy for us. We have tournament basketball for 1 kiddo, and regular season for 2 others. I am not going to make my goals smaller, but will be heavy on the GRACE, grace, GRACE. Planning big.

SELF~January was super, I planned some time with friends with no kids, and went to a concert too. Even those 2 little breaks help me feel refreshed. I have somehow managed to miss MOPS for the last 4 times. I need that adult interaction time.

This month, chances of me squeezing in any kid free time are slim. Still planning some mini hikes with the kids. I love the quick little break, sunshine and trees <3 p="">

HEALTH~ Diet bet is over, not too shabby! I think I might try the step bet this month. We have lots of swamped weekends, so really my only goal is to be prepared for the weekends and keep up on my water! 

FINANCIAL~ I probably could have done a LOT better on the meal planning. But did put some extra to that Home Depot Bill ;) Have our budget all set up.  So the plan for this month is to meal plan for REAL this month. Stick to my grocery budget and put the leftover to debt.

RELATIONSHIPS~ Birthday celebrations and basketball will keep us busy. But I am hoping to squeeze a kid date in around Valentines Day. Last month we had a couple 1 on 1 dates and a lot of family dates!

HOUSE~ January was a productive month! Kitchen cabinets are built, and almost done with paint. Couple more coats on a few drawers and the doors. Knobs picked out, handles purchased. 
I am hoping to finish the kitchen this month! We have cabinets to finish, counter tops to have installed, some barn wood to install and a vent hood. This might be a little ambitious considering we have NO free weekend days all month.  I also want to keep up on my organizing schedule and get the garden plan done and prepped. Some raised beds, some fencing and sprinkler installation. Not sure when that will happen though. 

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

08 January 2017

What things can you do right now?

 I can get overwhelmed when I think about my goals and how much WORK it is to get there. Sometimes it seems so daunting and I don't know where to start, if you can relate to this, join me and see if this helps you, no matter what your goals are! Taking baby steps to make it to the big steps!

Things I can do RIGHT now to move me towards my January goals!
Making time for myself
Schedule alone time! It's easy to say and put off. I am adding it to my planner. Just 1 thing so far

And I want to tell you how much I LOVE these pens! So smooth and fine!
You can find them HERE.

Diet Bet, staying hydrated, eating well
I am using MyFitnessPal, my water trackers in my planner, so cute right?

Meal planning is really what saves me. I put my dinner in and do breakfast and lunch around that to make it fit my goals.

Financial Goals, not eating out
Meal planning, and using my planner as best I can to thaw/prep in the morning! Set an alarm on my phone to prep dinner. Different times each day, we have a insane schedule in the evenings right now!

Kid Dates
Similar to making time for ME, making time for us, planning and putting it in the planner ahead of time (and fitting it in the not eating out budget) We won't be doing anything extravagant this month, but we will be using up some old expired groupons and gift cards for fancy coco dates.

House-Finish sanding cabinets, Organize Plan
 I started keeping the sander IN the house as motivation. And my weekly organizing plan handy!
Sticking to my Weekly Cleaning so I still have FRIDAY free to get the organizing done!

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

03 January 2017

January Goals

 Already 3 days in and I feel behind! But I am starting with small steps, little chunks of the big goals!

Self~ MAKE TIME for myself, twice, even if it's something small like a trip to the gym

 Health~ I joined a diet bet, nothing like the dread of losing money to motivate ya, right? Especially when it's ALL on me, 100% me.  Little parts of this are staying hydrated and being aware of my food choices. I use something like these to track my water!  

Financial~Eek, this is my least favorite to jump right in. So January I am taking it a bit easy, my only goals are to not eat out (besides what is planned), update all our debts/accounts and make a plan for the year. 

Relationships~ Take each kiddo out once and one for hubby and I. NO PHONE (besides pictures)
If you struggle with phone time, the app InTheMoment

House~Finish sanding kitchen cabinets, finish the last door molding and 1 last floor board piece! 
Stick to my Organizing Plan!

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.