06 April 2016

Spring Sports Life Prep

 It's Baseball/Softball/T-Ball Season!
And things are already crazy! This year we added an additional insane element to our spring schedule. I'm coaching one of the teams, yikes!  And we also just added running club 2 days a week, because I don't know how not be overly busy I guess.

What this all means for me as a mama and wife is that I need to have my act together. Bad news?  I don't, not even close! 
I need to have some better dinner options that are easy and filling and also get my schedule for 3 teams down. Our gear better organized in the cars. I need a Spring Sports Survival Guide! 
Where is that?!

This Mama knows what I am talking about!

 I'm going to need some ideas! I see some late night Pinterest browsing in my future!  Follow me and send me your favorites! https://www.pinterest.com/brittanieg/

 I am hoping to have a meal plan in place for next week, when our games start and maybe my car will have everything I need in it too!

Fall Sports had me doing the same thing. HERE
But since then it has fallen out of organization BIG TIME!

Any favorite organizing tips for the car?

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