01 December 2013

November goal update

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. It's almost time to set some more goals! So much has changed this year and it's hard to remember what January was like at all.
This is the second to last update, crazy and not entirely successful but we made it through!
I shared on facebook that I had the chance to work a bunch of overtime, and I still do. I just got the paycheck from those crazy 20 days in a row of work, a lot of them being 12 hour days. Paid off 1 more credit card, feels good to do that, and it's a great push to work some more overtime if it works for our schedule!

Another way we have saved over the year is calling and asking for a lower interest rate on the nasty debt we do have. This is a every few months job, it's not fun and waiting on hold stinks. But if it saves some in the long run it's worth it. Same with car and homeowners insurance. I get a re-quote every 6 months. Last time it went down $8 a month, which I realize doesn't seem like THAT much but it's almost $100 in a year.
If you haven't called yours lately, try doing 1 a day and see if it saves you anything!
I have kept track of debt each month the whole year and am excited to see where we are at January 1st 2014 compared with January 2013! Not only will there be less in $, but how much smaller the list is, is really encouraging! I have a feeling December won't be as successful with paying towards debt. I am feeling the urge to schedule lots of family activities and those aren't free. Holiday cooking will for sure put me over the grocery budget a little too!
I am doing my best not to stress about it too much, and enjoy December and Christmas!

Life and other stuff
I don't think I made it to the gym much this year, not at all this month. I miss the fun workouts and haven't lost a pound but haven't gone the other way either, so for now I will be ok with that.

Hubby went out of town for a week for work, goodness I forget what a mess I am when he is gone! Makes me appreciate all that he does when he is here, not just stuff like take the garbage out, but the important stuff like listening to me and my crazy ideas, tucking our babies in and keeping me warm.
So happy that the week long trips aren't nearly as often as before!

I had maybe 2 Starbucks all month, for sure think it be considered a done thing for 2014! I also did way better with drinking water instead of pop. I know how horrible it is, hard habit to break. One bad habit at a time. Paid for coffee gone, pop next!

We had a super Thanksgiving, and we really have SO much to be thankful for.  Happy our kids realize how blessed they are!

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