28 June 2012

New Wreath

I have been wanting to update our wreath for a while it was kinda boring! It still is kind of boring, but it's a new boring and it didn't cost me anything, I already had all this stuff around 
(well except the hens and chicks).

I used the same grapevine wreath that we were using before. But I added this cone thing, I have had it forever and it never fit anywhere! I took the hanger off of it because it made it too long, added some ribbon and planted the hens and chicks. I am sure I will kill them in 2 weeks tops.

And the little flower thing was going to be a headband, but I have had it for 5 months and haven't done it yet, so I probably won't. The felt bird was in a pack at Michaels, and I don't remember where I got the bird ribbon but I sure didn't read the spool, that is ALL that was on there.

And even though it's not perfect and it doesn't match the exterior of our house AT ALL.. it's not forever

because before I know it the hens and chicks will be dead, and if they aren't it will be time for Back to School Stuff in just over a month anyway... crazy right?! So I guess I can handle this for 6 weeks!

Hope you are all having a fabulous Thursday! I am off to vacuum some bedrooms and make some beds.

4th of July Goodies

Between Pinterest, online magazines and all these wonderful blogs I am pretty sure I could share a hundred different CUTE ideas for treats for 4th of July!
I want to have some treats ready since it feels like it takes SO LONG for it to get dark enough for sparklers!

This one is really pretty and looks really complicated!

These little cheesecakes are simple and cute!

I used the BIG star marshmallows to make some S'mores Pops, and added the sprinkles to the cracker mix so they stick a little better. They don't look much like stars though.. they look like chubby stars!

These are SO cute, and you could do these for any event.. but the flags are SO sweet!

These are still a fave of mine, I have a fondness for pies :)

Cake balls have never looked more patriotic!

This would be an easy make ahead goody! (I need help with that since we will have NO kitchen for the 4th )

And of course there are more ideas on my Pinboard HERE :)

Are you planning any 4th of July treats? Share them please!

25 June 2012

Meal Plan Monday

This second week of Summer break is not going to be any less busy than last week. I really have to use our meal planning and crock pot this week!

Monday~Pork soft tacos (in the crock pot)
Tuesday~Stew (in the crock pot)
Thursday~Turkey Meatballs and Potatoes
Friday~Turkey Burgers
Saturday~Mom's night out

Can ya tell we got a good deal on ground turkey ? 

And we are also super busy in the mornings these days because
 we have swimming lessons and want to be out doing the fun stuff! 
So we are working on chores first thing and breakfast can take too long if I don't have it prepped!

Monday~Strawberry Pancakes and Sausage
Tuesday~Oatmeal and fixins
Wednesday~Yogurt and fruit and granola
Thursday~Waffles with PB
Friday~Breakfast Muffins 
Weekends are always different :)

20 June 2012

How I organize my clothes

I've talked before about how I organize the kids clothes (even though THAT is a never ending process).
But now I am sharing my clothes. I don't know about you but I do NOT have time to look, or search for something in the morning, I already have a hard enough time deciding what to wear!

I try to keep them organized but I will be honest, putting laundry away is my
 LEAST favorite thing to do on the chore list!
So sometimes it gets out of control and I need an hour to fix things.

big ol' mess

We recently added a dresser to our closet for small storage, it could go in our bedroom but I prefer it in the closet, we have plenty of flat surfaces in our room already.

My basic method is, style (tank top, t-shirt, blouse, dress, sweaters, coats) then Solid or pattern. Next one is sleeve length, and finally color. So all my solid tank tops are together, organized by color. I don't have the colors in any certain order. But I should put them in the order I use them most! And I keep jeans, skirts and leggings in one of the hanging things. Just works well for me.

Now if only I could get hubby on board to do his ; )

How do you organize your closet?  

14 June 2012

4th of July Snacks

I was hoping I could find some prep ahead snacks for the 4th so I am not spending the entire day in the kitchen! But I am finding that pretty much everything red, white and blue or stars are a whole lot of sugar and not really what I was hoping for.

These are graham crackers and cheesecake bites and they look really good, but I think maybe I will swap them for some whole wheat crackers,  a little less of the creamy part and use cream cheese and salsa instead!

And I really liked this idea, where you can add anything to the inside of the bags 
because the outsides are the special part. Presentation sure makes a big difference to the little ones!

And these are a good JUST fruit option, no extra sugar!

I still hadn't found JUST the right thing for us though. Thinking about the usual snacks here, veggies, string cheese, dried fruits and sometimes quesadilla slices. I had to find a way to make them festive!

First I just cut up a wheat tortilla with a star shaped cookie cutter and made some open face quesadillas.. encouraging the kids to have at the salsa with them!

And the string cheese I just used the kitchen scissors and cut the end up a little bit, then wrapped it in some paper scraps. Cutting the paper with some fancy edged scissors would make it even better! If you have older kids that can be trusted with a toothpick, I would do toothpicks with dried fruit or small veggie pieces  on one end with the other into the string cheese for a super cute "firework". 

And please excuse the icky back splash..Hubby took the tile down last night, the granite measuring people are coming tomorrow! Excited and nervous :)

Hoping I can find some more snack ideas (not treats) but really the treats are my favorite part!

13 June 2012

4th of July Treats!

The 4th falls on a Wednesday this year and we have a wedding to go to the weekend before and weekend trip the week after so we are planning on staying home and hanging with the neighbors and whoever else shows up to do fireworks.  Trying to get together some ideas now since it is only 3 weeks away, I need time to plan, grocery shop and prep!

Starting with some breakfast ideas

Super cute toast and super easy

Breakfast Sunday

Breakfast Shortcake

And this breakfast cake looks soo good, it's blueberry but I am sure you could add some red berries and it would be super festive.

For us I think I will try the breakfast cake and make some sausage patties in star shapes.
And maybe some Red White and Blue Oatmeal (blueberries, strawberry granola and whip cream)

11 June 2012

Meal Plan Monday

After being gone again all weekend I have NO inspiration. Checking out what we have in our freezer instead for some ideas for easy dinner this week. It is the last week of school for the kids and I can't wait to get Summer started!

Here is what I have in the freezer
~a bag of shredded chicken
~pork roast x2
~pork tenderloin
~ground turkey
~marinara sauce

This Friday is grocery shopping day but after the last 2 weekends of being gone and 2 weeks of super busyness I might have to make a trip before then!

Monday~Chicken Tortilla Soup, in the crock pot
Tuesday~Crock Pot Lasagna
Wednesday~Pork Roast and Mashed potatoes
Thursday~something with ground turkey, tacos probably
Friday~Last day of school and FINALLY a Friday we aren't running out the door. Pizza!
Saturday~Pork Tenderloin, on the grill
Sunday will probably be leftovers

And I am hoping it isn't too hot to make a batch of some cowboy cookies. 
Isn't this the CUTEST cookie jar?

06 June 2012

4th of July Decorations

We are going to be gone a lot over the net 4 weeks so I didn't put everything out, but I did some and it made me realize how little we have that I LOVE. I need to make some, 
chances are it won't happen beforehand but after for sure. 
At the Farm Chicks Show I saw all kinds of cuteness, gave me some good ideas for some things I can do easy enough, now just to find the time!

I still need to decorate the wreath once I find some stuff in my supplies.

 Found this sweet little plate/cup holder at Cost Plus and I love it, I don't have any mugs that are 4th specific but I love what I do have and it's easy to haul everything to the table with 1 hand.

The baseballs are for sure one of my favorites!

The apple pie candle is also a favorite!

04 June 2012

Meal Plan Monday

This week will be pretty easy because we have a short week at home and 
I forgot we had plans a couple nights last week so we didn't have some of last weeks either!

Tonight~ Cowboy Stew
Wednesday~Pork Roast
Then we are busy all weekend!

But I do need to plan some snacks and easy stuff for the kids for the ride!

And in case you are a new follower (welcome!!)
Check out my breakfast plans HERE!

And I am hoping that before we take off Thursday, I will have all the 4th of July stuff out and ready to share!