08 February 2012

Valentine's Decorations

I realize that Valentine's Day is less than a week away and I haven't shared our decorations! I think it's because I don't like them!! I feel like they are just not my style so much anymore, and I don't have nearly as many as I thought! So I have been hesitant to share them, they aren't pretty or vintage or handmade or crafty. They are just random things from different places over the years.. YUCK!
But I am working on a banner for the mantle, that might make me feel a little better about it and I know what I WANT to do, it's just finding MAKING the time to do it!

Its that whole balance issue again. In the big scheme of things decorations for a month out of the year just aren't THAT important, but I feel like I am kind of letting the kids down, because they love it and expect it. So I am stalking Pinterest and all the fun blogs and I WILL be making new stuff for next year (hopefully with clearance supplies)

What did you all make this year?!

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see your idea for the banner for the mantle. Here in the UK it's not the done thing to decorate for valentine's day so I'm curious to see what kinds of things you all do. :o)
