01 June 2011

Something I wish I was better at as a wife was making sure things were mellow and clean (enough) and happy when hubby gets home. But honestly, some days that just seems impossible.  There are a bunch of great ideas HERE on how to welcome our hubby's home.

Some things I do are
~Having a drink ready for him when he gets home. Water, coffee or whatever he likes!
~Sometimes if dinner is going to be late or take a while, or be after a t-ball game,
 I try to have a small snack ready.
~Happy kids make a huge difference! Can't MAKE them be happy, but they usually pick up on our attitudes. Being cheerful even if we are doing the 10th load of laundry that day or cleaning up all the toys we cleaned up 10 minutes ago AGAIN. Being grumpy about it just doesn't help.
And who wants to come home to a grump?
~The one I am for sure most guilty of is having kid shows on when he gets home! We don't let them watch many cartoons, most days that is the only one, but I am sure coming home and hearing Yo Gabba Gabba is not his idea of peaceful. Having the TV on a channel hubby would enjoy,
or turned off and the radio on instead would probably be better.

This is what I am working on, making it a routine and something I put effort into.

There are 6 days of school left here and I can't wait for it to be over! The big kids and I are working on a list of all the things they want to do this summer. So far visiting Grandma and Grandpa's cabin and eating otter pops seem to be the most popular with Ramsey and Carsyn is SO excited for school she is already talking about pencil shopping!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the having the house cleaned up when he gets home. I am not the house cleaning type of wifey. I just didn't get that clean freak gene but I SO wish I did!
