07 October 2009

More Halloween Goodies!

I promise I am really almost done uploading Halloween pictures.. only a couple other things!

If you haven't been to REAL DEALS.. Check out their website.. Realdeals.net and GO! Such great deals and amazing little touches.. My new favorite place. SO glad they are finally putting one in a closer city.. Used to be a couple hours drive! The cake plate.. SO cheap.. I bought it in both colors, black and off white! The crows are ceramic and were less then 3 bucks a piece! I use the big fake crystals SO much that I cant keep them in one seasonal bin.. I feel like I use them almost every other season!

I am a sucker for "little" things.. This tiny plant is called a pin cushion.. it's a indoor plant and I kill one or 2 every year, I can't help it, I still spend the money on one knowing I will be lucky if it lasts until Thanksgiving.. but I just love them and how they look like teeny little pumpkin patches!

I Have the front of our house just about done, as soon as it's all the way done I will pot some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I love those fake crystals. I keep wanting to buy some but am never sure how I would use them. Now you have given me some ideas.
    I wish we had a Real Deals here.
