26 January 2009

Valentines Decorations and Exciting News!

Finally got my Valentines Decorations up, I would love to have more but this economy stinks and I am *trying* to be better about spending especially now that we are expecting BABY #3! Kind of surprised it happened so quickly, but very excited! I am only about 6 weeks along.. We have a LONG way to go, but now I will have all kinds of good baby stuff to blog about!

The little conversation heart plushes are one of my favorite finds, the kids LOVE them.. I am forever looking for them allover the house!

The white wreath I use year round, the red I only use on Valentines day and Christmas, The Red one is HUGE!

The Hurricane Jar I filled with some Conversation hearts Candy purchased on clearance 2 years ago.. Good reason NOT to eat them... EWW! I used the same candies in the little hanging candle holders, which I forgot to take a picture of!

I Love using Feather Boa's on the mantel, I think the color and whimsical factor are why I like it so much.I found the suckers in the dollar section at Target.. I had a few more but the wee one's got to em instantly! And I realize our paint color's really do not go well with Valentines Day at all!

Since I spend what feels like hours in front of the sink sometimes, I wanted to make sure there was some cute stuff over there, The Teapot is empty but the sugar bowl has a chocolate candle in it.. I really like that I can put the lid on it and pretend it's not there when I'm not burning it, that's one thing I don't like about the Jar Candles they are hard to hide!

The tiniest little heart shaped measuring spoons, might have been one of my first Valentines Day purchases, I love them and the little gingham ribbon was just perfect!

Found these cute little bonbon candles last year just after Valentine's Day.. They are just right for the little bell jar and Stand, which I use ALL the time!

Hope Everyone is having a fabulous week!


  1. Congratulations on your new one!! Nela

  2. I want one of those stands so bad! cuuute!

  3. Congrats on your new mini!
    Your home looks wonderful. I love all the cupcakes and hearts. My fav. is the sink area. I love those curtains. Too cute and what a blessing you are to your minis creating such a fun home to live in.

  4. Helen I made those curtains.. just a little fabric! You can do it!

  5. Fun blog! Those curtains are too cute! :0)
