22 January 2009

Little Vantines Day things

I can't believe it is almost February! For Valentines day I am Decorating and planning what to do for the wee ones and my husband. I got some cute little mailboxes that I plan to fill with a little thing each day the week before Valentines day.. This is one of the little mailboxes. I have a few of them cause I think they are just too cute!

Got these for Ramsey. He loves baseball and guitars couldn't believe how easy it was to find them!The baseballs are heart Shaped!

Found these cuties at Gymboree (my addiction) I love how the elastic is little hearts, such a cute detail! The little cupcake is Lip Gloss, she loves it calls it shiny!

I think I will do 1 thing a day for 7 days. The kids have a ton of toys so I plan on getting them things they kinda need more than something they might want! I probably will give in and put some MnM's in on Valentines Day. The kids will do just about Anything for them!

Still working on getting the decorations out..Almost done!


  1. You did pick out cute stuff at gymbo!

    Blogging is fun, and I love seeing your house stuff/baking ect. It'll motivate me, so keep it up ;-)

  2. I've been meaning to get some conversation hears for my glass containers! so cute!

  3. Michelle you should get some! I have a bunch out. And NONE have been eaten if you can believe it
