16 August 2012

Kids Chore Cards

I don't know how everyone else does things, but here our kids have chores. 
Their chores are based on my Weekly Cleaning Schedule.
They each do a little to help me with that days chores and then do a few other little things.
But sometimes remembering what they are supposed to do, 
or what to do next is a little tricky for them.
There are lots of charts and ideas for chores, I shared my favorites
HERE along with what we were attempting. Didn't really work out great for us though.
We need something not so stuck in one place or that needs crossing off. I looked online, there are a few options but none that really fit all of our chores and daily tasks so I ended up making ours. It took WAY longer than I really ever wanted to spend, but I am happy with the outcome.
I used MyMemories Suite to make them. If you haven't checked out that program it's great! I have a code to save some money on it too. The code to use at checkout is STMMMS87586.
 They aren't perfect but they should work for us!
Here is 1 of the 6 pages I did.

So I laminated them and cut them out. I got this snazzy, and amazing hole punch, it doesn't hurt my hand AT ALL and punches so much easier than the old style. I got some rings and stuck them on there. Now the kids can take it with them through the day. We started using them this morning and the kids are DOING SO WELL!! Ramsey has very him cards, just like Carsyn has a cupcake on her room card, he has Darth Vader.


  1. how cute! are you willing to share the other pages?

  2. Would love to see the other pages... are you willing to sure them? Hxx
