26 December 2023

52 Week Organization Challenge 2024

It’s been a DECADE since the first time I did the 52 Week Organizing Challenge! Haven’t really looked back, made some changes, skipped some weeks/months, doubled up on some areas too. Overall though, I feel like our house is generally pretty organized, besides the Nintendo Switch, which I constantly lose because I remove it as an option for a while and I forget where I put it 😆.   

Since it’s been a good fit for the most part, we are doing it again this year. If I remember to snap before pictures, I’ll share them. We are still getting settled so I wouldn’t say everything is in its place yet, but getting there. 

Here’s my list for this year, super small items per week. I’m doing a little more though, not just organizing, or resetting, but Purge>Deep Clean>Organize. In a lot of cases I will also be making a list of things we need or to watch for good pricing on. 

Let me see your spaces if you join! 

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.