03 January 2018

January 2018 Goals

I am a little nervous with how 2018 is starting. I'm just now getting to my detailed goals for the month 😐 hopefully it's just a fluke and I won't be behind ALL year!
January is a good time for me to just start fresh and get back to basics. The things that are my base, the most important. 

So here they are, short and sweet. 
Personal-read a book. That shouldn't be THAT hard right? This is what I am ready :)
Relationships-schedule and do a kid date with each of them. 
Household-Keep up on cleaning schedule AND finish caulking in kitchen 😜
Financial-stay in the grocery budget and pay off 2 debts. 

Also, focus on my One Little Word, same as last year. WILD. I love it and I love the idea that we don't need intervention from other people.  

I will get to details on HOW I hope to reach these goals on the next couple days :) 

You set resolutions or monthly goals? 

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