23 November 2016

1 Year To an Entirely Organized Home

 First I want to say that I know January, when the kids are home, after a few weeks off, may not be the ideal time to start. So, why am I starting now then?! For many of us the holidays are stressful. I NEED an outlet. Cleaning/Organizing is my favorite healthy outlet! If January is not the right time for you, it's ok! There aren't specific dates for this, just a weekly plan. 

We've been doing some purging together in our Facebook Group, it's helped me get rid of 275 ish things, and there are still plenty of days to go! I feel like I need to roll with that, before any clutter makes it's way back in!

I still try to do some organizing every week, usually on Friday. This fits right in with our current routine.

I've done this in the past (a couple houses ago) this is what that looked like

Sadly, many of those don't apply to our current home. Many still do though, and I have plenty of new things to add to this list.  Taking the time now to make my list so I have a plan and can jump right in that first week! How perfect that the 1st is a Sunday? Just lines right up with this plan!

I hope you will join and take the ones that don't apply to you (like Chicken stuff) out, and add what you need, in! Post it to instagram and help others get inspired to spend more time with their family and less time dealing with clutter! Tag me! @OregonHousewife :) I am sure I have some giveaways happening for participants!

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.

13 November 2016

Bonfire Bars

These are super easy, only a few ingredients and they don't take long at all!

3Tbs Butter/Coconut Oil (or combo)
6C Golden Grahams Cereal
3C Marshmallows
2 Tbs Mini Chocolate Chips
3 MORE C. Marshmallows 

First spray your 9x9 (or 8x8) pan with nonstick spray. I just used some coconut oil
 In a saucepan melt the coconut oil or butter, then on medium heat, add 3C marshmallows and stir until it's all melty and combined.

*Turn oven on to broil*

Turn stove heat off, add 6C Golden Grahams Cereal. Stir it all together to coat.
Pour into pan and press down with spatula.
Sprinkle Chocolate Chips evenly

Add 3C marshmallows on top to cover evenly.

Put the pan under the broiler until marshmallows get all melty and crispy and brown and perfect!

Let cool, then
Good Luck Cutting them even ;)
Prepare to be sticky

*May contain affiliated links* I participate in Amazon Associates Program occasionally. I won't recommend a product I wasn't myself interested in trying or have tried. I may receive monetary compensation for participating. This does not change the price for you.