26 February 2016

Organizing Friday {Week 9}

I can't believe we are already 8 weeks into this year!  Last week was coupons and meal planning.  
I don't do coupons for food much, you can read about it HERE, that being said, I do have some coupons for other stuff. Those things need to be wrangled.  I keep it simple, and in my purse or I will never remember them.

I have seen some other ways for those that have a lot of coupons though!


Meal Planning
Was the other one for the week I missed.  I haven't been great at meal planning this year at ALL.

While I don't really keep recipes around that much, I do have a section in my planner where I SHOULD be meal planning. But nothing that needs organizing. No stack of recipes or papers or complicated schedule.

This week is the LAUNDRY ROOM
I don't know how spiffy I can get it this week, we will be at the hospital for much of the week. But I am going to work on it when I can!


21 February 2016

Organizing Friday {week 7}

Last week I did the 2 areas I missed! I can't tell you how crazy life has been with nothing to show for it! I've been a few days behind on everything! Gah. Not my favorite way to do things! 

I gave the fridge a good purge and a wipe down! It's better but still not what I would like it to be, thanks to the 5 paint rollers taking up a shelf lol. Renovation problems 😁
 Our garage has had a lot of changes, I've been able to park in it for the last week or so! The area is cleaned up but I don't know how long it will stay that way, 6 year olds don't always understand the expectations for recycling hehe. Oh well! I am just thankful he willingly does it without complaining 👍🏻

This week is COUPONS !! I don't even have enough for this to be an excuse! I should get a jump start on next week which is meal planning! I've shared so much about this but I have been a slacker and I haven't been using them!! 

08 February 2016

Organizing Friday {Week 6}

And technically week 4, because I somehow missed that one entirely? 
So today I am going to work on cleaning the 
and then our 

Thankfully garbage and recycling was part of week 1 for me. I am going to work on the area in the garage for it though!

Here are our before pictures

The 6 year old is responsible for getting it in the cans, clearly we haven't been inspecting his work lol. Also there are a hundred other things going on in this picture.
And our fridge has a whole shelf of painting stuff 😁


01 February 2016

Organizing Friday

I'm taking a couple weeks off. I'd already done the challenge last week (food storage) and this week is cookbooks and recipes.  We have birthday kids the next 2 days. Going to enjoy celebrating them before I get back to it next week!!