30 April 2014

52 Weeks of Organizing~Week 17

Last week I made sure all of our vitamins and medicine were not expired and that we had the items we use often. We were out of some and had some expired. Looks like I checked just in time, there is a whole lot of coughing and sneezing going on! Thanks allergies!

This week is bathrooms.. Yikes!
I know there are some towels that have seen better days and I am scared to see what the kids have hoarded in their bathroom drawers!

I try to keep bathroom stuff to a minimum, clearly I failed!
Empty boxes, stuff I haven't used in months and 3 different dry shampoo's. Time to tidy it up and be real about what I use and ditch the rest.
I am sure the other bathroom's will have similar changes coming up! It's beautiful weather here, I am working on getting up earlier again, now that I am not AS exhausted. This bathroom organizing will have to be a morning thing, we are enjoying the sunshine!

May Chore Challenge!

I've never done this, or anything like this but I want to and I think it will help me, and I hope, some of you!
Similar to the 30 day photo challenges and 30 day squat challenge
Using the term CHORE loosely here.

I can see there are so many little things around here that don't take long but aren't in the regular rotation of things that need done either. I am hoping to come up with 31 little chores or work that take 15 minutes or less. I don't know if I will post here everyday but for sure on Instagram, follow me HERE!
And likely on Facebook at Cupcakes, Kisses 'n' Crumbs

Some examples of things I know I can do in 15 minutes or less and that need to be done are
~Wipe down all the light switches
~Wipe down the doors where grimey kids touch everyday!
~Sweep the front porch
~Weed (can't finish in 15 minutes but I can sure do it for 15 minutes and it all helps)
~Tidy the laundry room
~Change the felt pads on the kitchen chairs

Now not all of these may apply to you and maybe you have other ideas! Happy to hear them and share! I can't wait to get started! See y'all tomorrow with my 1st Chore Challenge!

28 April 2014

Meal Plan Monday~ Week 18

It's finally starting to get nice here and I finally have some energy back. 
Those are both things that will help with dinner. I am amazed I have a plan & it's not even late!

Monday~Chicken Tortilla Soup
Away game for the biggest kid, dinner to go!

Tuesday~BBQ Turkey Burgers
Finally, our first day of nice weather and NO baseball!

Wednesday~Chicken and Tortellini w/Pesto
Can be transported in a cup easy enough!

Thursday~Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes 

Friday's are meant to be easy!

Saturday~BBQ Chicken

Sunday~Beef Roast
In the Crock Pot, making extra for beef stroganoff 

23 April 2014

52 Weeks of Organizing~ Week 15?

I missed sharing the last couple of week. I did DO some of the work though! Got everyone's winter and cold weather stuff packed up and out of the way. Mittens and long sleeve shirts we won't be seeing for a little while. And I also spruced up our cleaning supplies.

Trying to get back on track with these 52 weeks of organizing!
This week I am going through all the meds to make sure none are expired or about to be empty just in time for the 3am fever.

21 April 2014

Monday Meal Plan~ Week 17

Feeling a little more on top of things this week! Busy weeks really need a plan or these poor kids will be eating sandwiches every night on the way to baseball!


Monday~Chicken and Veggies with Pasta
Super easy, and can take to go to the ball fields!

Tuesday~Chicken Tacos
Baking chicken once for 2 meals!

To Go! I feel like half our meals have to be on the go!

Thursday~Potato Soup
Probably this recipe, might try it in the crock pot though!

Friday~Grilled Cheese and Soup 
Getting to the point where I need to grocery shop!

I am not planning for the weekend yet. Grocery shopping day after kids have a little 2k race in the morning!

15 April 2014

Meal Plan Tuesday?

Baseball season is in full swing, the hubby is out of town, and it was MONDAY, if ya know what I mean.
Anyway, still meal planning but not as strict because half the time I can't stand to cook what I planned or it just doesn't sound good!

Monday~Salmon and Asparagus 
(not hubby's favorite)

Also not his favorite, but the kids like it and it's super easy!

Actually, probably tortellini. I think it needs to be used this week and the kids aren't picky!

Thursday~Grilled Cheese
Need something portable I can throw together easily and we can take on our way to the ball fields.

Friday~Hubby's Birthday!
I am going to take the night off from making dinner, we have a ball game to go to, so probably an early dinner out.

Not planning for the weekend just yet. Sunday we will be with family and Saturday all of a sudden feels like too far away to plan!

03 April 2014

April Goals!

A few days late, this seems to be how things have going around here!
Last month goals are here
At nearly all of them!

The house is MUCH better, but not 100%.
Didn't do such a great job with budgeting, I still have a couple projects I am working on to help out financially.
We did read more, not enough though.
I feel like I have been home a little more but running around more than I should be. No dates have been planned.

I do have a good reason for some of this though. I have no motivation and have been sleeping a whole lot more, some unexpected costs in the budget and a whole lot of Dr. appointments.
We are expecting baby #4 in September!!

The other good news is, I get to keep the same goals and try again!
I have lowered my expectations a bit. Knowing that we have other things we are needing to purchase, the budget and debt aren't going to be as good as I had hoped. I tire pretty often and have a small complication so I am giving myself a break on getting as much organizing and cleaning done. As long as we all have clean clothes and dishes it's a win.

Hoping I have some more energy (and motivation) back soon!