30 April 2012

Getting Back On Track Day 1

I really just let everything go the last month or 2 with sick babies, and sports things were just busy. On a mission to get back to normal (whatever that is). I never finished Spring Cleaning, so now I am trying to catch up, not in the same method I do my Spring Cleaning but slowly getting stuff done and ready for Summer!

This weekend I went through all the kids clothes (since I think we are finally done with snow!) and brought out the Spring/Summer stuff. Finishing up today. This involved getting bins from under the bed.. which then I decided if I am under there I might as well pull the bed out and get all the toys.. (who has read "If you give a mouse a cookie? Sounds familiar right?)  Then, since I had the bed out I decided maybe I will clean the baseboards, then since I had the furniture pulled out, I might has well re-arrange it. Some was too hard to move with it full of toys, so I went through everything. Replaced outlets, found a box of raisins from who knows when?! And then it was nap time and I wasn't done, but the boy needs his nap.. So I will do it all again to finish up.
AND the moral of my story is don't pull the bed out to get toys before nap time!

So here it is,

pretty sure I will be moving some stuff around, not sure I like the chest that close to the windows with our little dare devil.  And there are no pictures of the dresser because it has been living in our upstairs landing because Finn just won't leave those clothes alone, I was really getting frustrated 2 times a day putting away EVERY single piece of clothing that boy owns. And then he was crying at nap time one day, I went to check on him and he had 17 shirts on, not the right way, just pulled the necks down around his belly, and had a few arms on. He was totally stuck with 1 arm straight up in the air.. sooo no clothes in his room until he wants to leave them alone for a while.

And I DID get the Kitchen done! (Mondays usual chore)
Tomorrow is going to be just as good, regular living room cleaning and maybe I will tidy the laundry room. I guess it's good that it's dirty, means I have been doing laundry ;)

Meal Plan Monday

I LOVE this cookie jar!

I haven't meal planned in a couple months and our grocery budget is definitely feeling it!
First step in getting some time back is making a plan for what to feed the family. Only planning 1 week out for now until I get back on track!

Monday~Crock Pot Pork Roast w/ Roasted veggies
Tuesday~Turkey Tacos
Wednesday~Meatloaf and potatoes
Thursday~Chicken Parm Bites
Friday~Grilled Cheese and Soup
Saturday~Turkey Burgers
Sunday~White Chicken Enchiladas

I REALLY need to find some new stuff for our rotation, especially with the warmer weather, there is no way I am baking or roasting anything when it's hot out!

Other than Pinterest, where do y'all find new recipes?

29 April 2012

I am sooo bad, I haven't even been on here since the new blogger thing happened!
Not that I didn't want to be, just busy!
That whole balance thing.. yeah still really stinking at it!

Trying to make my way back to blogging THIS week.
Excited to share a bridal shower in a couple weeks.
And HOPEFULLY (if I ever get around to painting) our book shelves. Managed to find a couple cute things for it too!

Find me on Pinterest (only a little more often than here )

19 April 2012

Bridal Shower!

It has been SO crazy around here, and really not just 1 thing making it crazy, just LIFE!

But I am getting a handle on life (for right now) and have a couple things coming up I can't wait to share!
One of them is a Bridal Shower, I have never done one before so I am a little nervous!

Who has done a themed Bridal Shower before?
What is your favorite theme, game, goody ?